The Literacy Clinic

Published Articles

Reading to your toddler: Why it’s never too early


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Early on in my career, I attended a teacher’s workshop that brought to light research and statistics about the advantages pre-schoolers gain by being read to as toddlers. Long-term studies showed a strong correlation between reading to your child early, and performance in the area of literacy in later years. I also learned how significantly different these outcomes were for children whose parents had seldom exposed them to literature based activities while in their toddler years. Doing so may very well put a child at an academic advantage later on.

Lire la suite : Reading to your toddler: Why it’s never too early

Homework-To Give Or Not To Give; That Is The Question:

Articles written by:  Laura Caprini and Sandra Weir Co-Founders of the Hudson Literacy Clinic

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Homework-To Give Or Not To Give; That Is The Question

Now that school is in full swing and our kids are getting back into the old school routine, there is no question that many of you may be struggling with your child’s homework.

In our home, there are two distinct attitudes towards homework. My fourteen-year-old daughter is a self-starter, always on top of deadlines and due dates. She rarely, if ever, needs prodding when it comes to her school responsibilities. My son, on the other hand, needs copious amounts of coaxing and reminders to get his assignments done and his projects ready on time. My little boy is a great student, but an even greater procrastinator! Fortunately for all of us, his teacher (bless her heart) is quite reasonable where homework is concerned. Quick reinforcement assignments, daily reading practice in both English and French, and the odd project is all that she asks, which makes me a happy parent.

Lire la suite : Homework-To Give Or Not To Give; That Is The Question:  

7 tips for making reading fun for you and your child


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Reading With Your Child At Home

School is out and summer is here in full swing. We’re ready to enjoy the warm weather at long last. Whether we’re off on a much anticipated holiday or spending time at home by the pool, it’s very important to keep up with reading practice throughout the summer. This is especially important if your child has experienced reading difficulties throughout the school year.

Lire la suite : 7 tips for making reading fun for you and your child

How to Beat The “Back-To-School” Blues


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How to Beat The "Back-To-School" Blues

Here we are once again, getting the kids ready for yet another school year.  As I sat outside looking at the trees that surround our property the other day, I noticed glimpses of yellow and orange already tingeing the leaves on our maples, an early reminder of what’s coming.  To confirm this, I let out a series of loud, wet sneezes, a definite trademark reminder of the season-my allergies were kicking in. Exit summer, enter autumn.

Lire la suite : How to Beat The “Back-To-School” Blues